Without question, Winstrol is one of the most popular and without a doubt one of the most well-known anabolic androgenic steroids of all time. Of all the
anabolic steroids, for those who don't know much about them if they know of any actual steroid this is often the one. Originally developed by
Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories, this is an anabolic steroid that has made news headlines numerous times for nearly thirty years; often when high profile
athletes are busted, this will be the anabolic steroid mentioned. Never has there been a case as high profile as the 1988 Summer Olympic Games when
Canadian Sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for the steroid. Many point to this event as being the catalyst that would lead to the U.S. government
classifying anabolic steroids as controlled substances; we tend to agree.
A dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid, Winstrol is one of the few anabolic steroids that we can say with confidence is virtually useless as a mass promoting agent; when it comes to Winstrol, cutting and strength are its games. This makes Winstrol a longtime favorite of many gym rats looking to cut up for the beach, as well as a favorite for many competitive bodybuilders looking for a hard physique as they stand on stage. Of course, what's made it famous is its strength attributes, and this is precisely why so many athletes use it. With Stanozolol, the active steroidal hormone that is Winstrol, the athlete can become faster and stronger without added mass, and for many athletes, this is invaluable.
Available as Oral Winstrol, injectable Winstrol, or Winstrol Pills, for all intense purposes beyond the nature of administration there is no difference. Both provide the same traits and benefits, both are C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic steroids, and both carry the same possible side-effects. Beyond administration, the only difference worthy of note is in the half-life; injectable Winstrol carries an active half-life of approximately 24 hours, whereas the oral tablet carries an active half-life of approximately 9 hours.
Beyond its basic nature, one thing that makes Winstrol so special is that it is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used safely by many women. Women often have a difficult time with anabolic steroids due to virilization, but Winny as it's often known carries a much lower virilization rating. Make no mistake, virilization can still occur, its rating is greater than Anavar; however, with responsible use it is normally avoidable.
When it comes to the side-effects of Winstrol, they will be the same as most DHT steroids; however, Winny is well-known for being a little harsh on cholesterol making a healthy diet and responsible use imperative. Further, as a C17-aa anabolic steroid, this is one of the more hepatic steroids on the market, and this applies to the oral and injectable forms.Injectable Winstrol is one of the few injectable steroids that carries a hepatotoxic nature, and for this reason use must necessarily be somewhat short lived if we are to remain safe.
While a fantastic steroid for enhancing athletic performance, the vast majority who supplement will do so for physique related purposes, and to enjoy such benefits it's normally best to already be a little lean. The hardening and physique enhancing traits will not shine through a layer of body-fat, and this means use will normally be best towards the latter half of a diet. Of course, by its nature, Winstrol will actually help you lose some of the fat you're holding onto; in-fact, it's sometimes prescribed for those who suffer from obesity due to hormonal imbalances. Beyond obesity, Winstrol is also used to treat anemia, angioedema and conditions where severe strength loss may have occurred; truly a fantastic steroid.
With all of this in mind, we want to take a look at the Stanozolol hormone; we want to look at all Winstrol has to offer, how it can be used, what it does and of course, how it can be used safely in-order to reach the desired goals. We'll go over Winstrol cycle planning and the various forms; we'll even look specifically at female winstrol use as well as the best brands on earth. When it comes to Winstrol, all you need to know can be found right here.